Welcome to First Grade!!!
*Cheers to TONS of learning & fun while making wonderful memories!
A little bit about me:)
*I was a student at PCY a long time ago
*This my 24th year teaching
*My husband runs our family's travel agency, Archer Travel, in La Crescenta
*I have 2 kids ~A son in 10th and a daughter a freshman at Pepperdine
This and That:
*If your child is sick or will not be attending school you need to call the office and report the absence.
*Email me a short letter about your child. Include anything that you think might be helpful to get to know your child better. Due Aug. 30
*1st grade is a BIG year for learning! Students tend to make HUGE progress halfway through the year:)
*Papers that come home on FRIDAYS stay at home.
*Spelling in First Grade ~ It's okay to have them struggle. Encourage them to "touch the sounds" by tapping their pointer finger and thumb together while sounding out the words. B~ I~ G. If a word is phonetic (can be sounded out by hearing all the sounds/letters) then let them do it. If it's tricky word with silent letters or broken spelling rules, it's your choice if you have them try their best or tell them how to spell it.